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Innovation: Plactid® PLA copolymer

Plactid® represents a new, groundbreaking approach to open up numerous new areas of application for polylactic acid (PLA). Behind the still young brand lies a growing family of copolymers that can give the globally popular bioplastic a wealth of new, desirable properties. In many cases, the crucial advantage of PLA from an environmental policy perspective remains: its biodegradability. 

Statement of the jury

Above all, the relatively low elongation at break, limited impact strength and the milky appearance have so far limited the range of uses for PLA. Classic attempts at modification often fail due to the complex migration and crystallization behavior of plasticizers and other additives in PLA. The team around SoBiCo Managing Director Johannes Fuchs was therefore looking for fundamentally different solutions. This is how the concept for Plactid® came about together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research (IAP) in Potsdam: a PLA copolymer family that is manufactured using a new type of process – reactive compounding. In addition to bio-based lactide, various polyols are used, which can come from biological or fossil sources, depending on the application. The PLA copolymers can be specifically adjusted from hard/brittle to soft/ductile, in many cases while maintaining biodegradability. For example, soft films with high crystallinity are possible. However, injection molding grades with a significantly higher crystallization rate and impact strength than standard PLA can also be produced. In addition, the PLA copolymers are also suitable as additives for modifying standard PLA. In addition to these future-oriented results, the jury also recognizes the endurance of the SoBiCo team, which invested seven years of research and development work until the product was ready for use.


Contact to the winner

SoBiCo GmbH

Dr. Johannes Fuchs
Am Gefach
55566 Bad Sobernheim

Phone: +49 6751 84 685
E-Mail: johannes.fuchs@sobico.de
Internet: www.sobico.de