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What the participants say

Schedule (and abstract download)


The accompanying exhibition attracted the audience like a magnet.

The lectures were held in German and English. The simultaneous translation service helped to understand every sentence in an easy way.

The evening event two days before midsummer invited to interdisciplinary talks. A brazilian Rodizio and tasty salads guaranteed the well-being after the long and inspiring first day of the „BIOPOLYMER – Processing & Moulding.

One of the highlights oft the congress was the presentation of Prof. Aart van Bezooijen an his team of Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle (Saale). The chair holder of Materials & Technology Transfer and his students showed a range of „kitchen-made“ biopolymers, for instance vinyl replacements, which were already used for phonograph records production.

An exclusive present to the participants of the BIOPOLYMER – Processing & Moulding premier event: The Ringmoccacup of Marguerite Friedlaender, newly interpreted with a bioplastic material, produced as a limited edition of only 1,000 pieces.


Sie haben Interesse an der „BIOPOLYMER – Processing & Moulding“ Kongreß und Ausstellung im kommenden Jahr in Halle (Saale)?

Hier gibt's weitere Informationen…


The HALLE MESSE fair and convention centre is well connected to the A9, A14 und A143 motorways. There are sufficient charge-free parking spaces available.

The transfer time from Leipzig/Halle International Airport is about 20 minutes. The S3 city train connecting Leipzig Central Station and Halle Central Station serves the HALLE MESSE stop. City Busses also have a HALLE MESSE stop. Please take the lines 43 und 26.

Halle (Saale)

TGZ-Campus, Weinberg Halle (Saale)

is the heart of the central German “chemicals triangle”. The town was essentially characterized by the regional development of chemical and plastics industries during the last century. The large enterprise facilities of Buna and Leuna, but also of Bitterfeld and Zeitz nearby today are successful Chemical Parks. Big global players like Dow Chemical, Total or Bayer are based here, but also medium sized and small businesses. Companies of the chemical and plastics processing industries, but also innovative service and logistic providers mark the economical townscape of Halle itself today. Many start-ups have their origin at the science and business parc Weinberg Campus. It is located in the green heart of the town, where institutes of the Fraunhofer’s and the Max Planck's, the Leibniz’ and the Helmholtz’ Societies are just as at home as institutions of the 300 years old Martin-Luther-University. Halle is known as one of the most important site of Martin Luthers’ life’s work as well as the birth place of George Frederic Handel. The historical city of Halle was the only one among Germanys major cities that remained nearly undestroyed during World War II. This makes it easy to experience the millenary history of Halle which is closely connected with the legendary Halloren salt miner brotherhood.


Halle Messe

is the only privately built and operated fairground in Eastern Germany. The company offers an indoor exhibition area of about 12,000 squaremetres in several halls. The BIOPOLYMER – Congress & Exhibition provides Hall 4 and the spacious foyer - together more than 1,700 squaremetres. Exhibitors can book special services like individual power connection or fair construction/stand building.

Press information

  • Tagung für Biokunststoffe beschert der Chemieregion neue Fans
    Der Kongress „Biopolymer – Processing & Moulding“ in der Halle Messe begeistert bei seiner Premiere die internationale Fachwelt. Die Folgeveranstaltung steht für den 21./22. Mai 2019 schon im Veranstaltungskalender.[weiterlesen…]
  • Biopolymer-Know-how für 
Spritzgießer und Verarbeiter
    Beim internationalen Kongress „BIOPOLYMER – Processing & Moulding“ am 19. und 20. Juni in Halle (Saale) stehen die Fragen der Praktiker zu biobasierten und bioabbaubaren Kunststoffen im Mittelpunkt. Mit hochkarätigen Referenten, vielfältigen Netzwerkangeboten und überaus fairen Preisen lockt POLYKUM Spritzgießer und Verarbeiter ins Herz des Chemiedreiecks. [weiterlesen…]
  • Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
    POLYKUM e. V. - Fördergemeinschaft für Polymerentwicklung und 
Kunststofftechnik in Mitteldeutschland
    Frank Pollack

    Tel.: 0345 5201666
    E-Mail: presse@polykum.de
    Brandisstraße 4
    06217 Merseburg